Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, March 9, 2024
Pray Much to the Holy Spirit, Let the Holy Spirit Lead You, He Will Open Your Hearts and Guide Your Every Step
Message from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of March 8, 2024

This evening the Virgin Mary appeared all dressed in white, even the mantle that enveloped Her was white and broad, the same mantle also covered Her head. On Her head a crown of twelve shining stars. The Virgin Mary had Her hands joined in prayer, on Her breast a heart of flesh crowned with thorns. In Her hands was a long crown of the holy rosary, white as of light that reached almost down to Her feet. Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world, the world was shrouded in a great gray cloud, I could see it spinning and on some parts of the world I could see like great dark spots.The face of the Virgin Mary was very sad, Her head was bowed downward, Her eyes were full of tears, they flowed down Her face to Her feet, but when they touched the earth those spots disappeared.
Praise be to Jesus Christ.
Dear children, this is a time of prayer and silence. This is a time of grace, please children, convert and return to God.
Children, the prince of this world will try to separate you from My love by trying to confuse your thoughts, but you do not be afraid, be strong and persevere in prayer.
Strengthen yourselves with the holy sacraments, fasting, praying the holy rosary and works of charity. Let your life be prayer, pray much to the Holy Spirit, let the Holy Spirit lead you, He will open your hearts and guide your every step.
My children, My heart is pierced with sorrow to see how much evil there is in the world. Pray much for the peace that is increasingly threatened by the powerful of this earth. Pray much for My beloved Church, not only for the universal Church but also for the local Church. Pray for the Vicar of Christ.
Beloved children, pray to Jesus, cast all your fears in Him, do not be discouraged never lose hope.
Love Jesus, pray to Jesus, worship Jesus. Bend your knees and pray.
When Mother said : " Adore Jesus," I saw a great light, and at the right hand of the Virgin I saw Jesus on the cross. Mother told me, " Daughter, together we adore," She got down on Her knees in front of the cross.
Jesus, He had the signs of passion, His body was plagued, in many parts of the body the flesh was torn ( As missing ). The Virgin Mary, wept and looked at him in silence. Jesus was looking at His mother with indescribable love, a crossing of glances that I have no words to be able to describe what I saw. Jesus was completely covered in blood, his head was pierced by the crown of thorns, His face was disfigured, but He conveyed love and beauty despite being a mask of blood. This moment seemed interminable to Me.
I, prayed silently, entrusting everything and every person who had entrusted themselves to my prayers to Jesus. But particularly I prayed for the Church and for the priests.
Then the Virgin Mary, took up the message again.
Dear children, watch with Me, pray with Me, do not fear, I do not leave you alone, I am beside you in every moment of your day and I wrap you with My mantle, let Me love you.
Finally She blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.